Prebid is a header bidding wrapper widely used by publishers across the industry. It allows them to run header bidding meaning that they can access the demand of many different partners. More information on header bidding here. Increasing the demand for their inventory helps them increase their ad revenue as they will be able to earn the highest RPMs. Prebid can also help to improve the user experience of the page by delivering content faster thanks to an asynchronous setup. There is a large variety of formats supported on desktop and mobile. And Prebid represents one of the largest libraries of header bidding adapters by integrating many bidders. This free initiative aims to make header bidding accessible for publishers. For these reasons, Prebid has become very popular these days. But implementing it is not always easy. To learn more about how to implement Prebid feel free to visit Prebid’s documentation.
Because publishers need to focus on so many areas of their businesses, they can sometimes struggle to allocate the proper amount of time to the implementation of Prebid. Those who do find the time to go through the setup entirely, aren’t necessarily done with the whole implementation. Indeed, once the solution is running, there are still many things that could go wrong. For example, some websites or ad units might not be working the way they should, thus leading to publishers leaving money on the table. Issues can also happen on many other dimensions such as formats, devices, locations, bidders. Each of these can be harmful to the publishers’ revenue. Without granular monitoring of the metrics, pinpointing what areas of their ad stack are not functioning well is tough. And publishers who are new to Prebid have a higher chance of having issues.
While Pubstack does not help publishers with the implementation of Prebid itself, it can be a precious tool for those getting started with the solution. Pubstack’s analytics tool empowers publishers with the granular data that they need. With this data, publishers can have a clear overview of their ad stack’s performance, and easily identify the areas of possible optimization. They will also be able to understand what SSPs bring the most value to their stack. Thanks to this, they will have the framework to make the best decisions regarding their choice in terms of demand partners. Furthermore, it will help them pinpoint the root cause of any revenue drop they might witness:
Prebid is an amazing solution for publishers looking to increase their ad revenue. The implementation itself takes time but making sure that everything is set up correctly should not be overlooked. Publishers should also look at what optimizations they can make once Prebid is running. At Pubstack, we work hand in hand with publishers that are implementing Prebid. By empowering them with all the data they need to get a clear view of what is happening once the solution is implemented, Pubstack can be a valuable partner for them.
Now that you know what Prebid is and how you can use it, the next step is to learn how to efficiently select your Prebid partners thanks to granular analytics as well as a continuous monitoring of your ad stack. This continuous monitoring should help you reach as high a yield as possible, provided you have the required analytics tools. To learn more about the influence of granular analytics & real-time monitoring, we invite you to discover our use case with Le Monde, where we interviewed Daniel Soares, Digital Operations Director at M Publicité on his and his team’s usage of Pubstack’s solution.